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4D Abdominoplasty

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30 year old presented for body sculpting after two C-sections. She underwent a 4D Abdominoplasty (Skin Excission) procedure. This includes VHD 360 degrees, enhancement and reshaping of the buttocks with fat transfer, an abdominoplasty with muscle repair and sculpting of the abdomen to reveal a youthful and athletic abdomen. Most surgeons do a two dimensional abdominoplasty with minimal or no liposuction leading to a suboptimal result. Dr. Marosan is a Total Definer surgeon, working in three dimensions to return your body to a youthful, hourglass and athletic figure.

4D Abdominoplasty



4D Abdominoplasty



4D Abdominoplasty



4D Abdominoplasty



4D Abdominoplasty

The patient is extremely happy with her "new" body, a well proportioned hourglass shape.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.